Wednesday, August 14, 2013

All or Nothing

All or Nothing. That is how my mind works, unfortunately. I'm a person who loves her creative pursuits. I'm always following one or another. However, I can only seem to do one or the other. I can't do several at one time.

If I'm in "knitting mode," then I knit. If I want to write, then I write. If I want to quilt... well, you get the picture. I can't seem to knit in the morning and write in the afternoon. I'm going to try it again, but I'm not sure how it will go.

This afternoon, I sat down to knit. Normally, I do 3 repeats on a shawl and 3 rows on a cowl I'm working on. However, for the past two days I've done nothing. I got caught up in the idea of writing again and so that's what I've been working on doing. I pulled out an old piece I've been working on for years. I started this new blog. I've been surfing and I reopened my portfolio there.

Today, I managed to do a little knitting before I stopped again. Once more, I was lured into my writing website. Of course, I haven't done any actual writing... I'm making plans. Thinking through various plot points and figuring out what my characters are going to do next. Wondering if I can jump in and just start writing or if it's going to be obvious I haven't been writing much lately.

I can multitask in real life, but apparently not in my creative life. I would love to be able to, though. Maybe if I keep trying I'll finally get it. Wouldn't that be great? I think it would be, especially since one of the things I'm knitting is a Christmas gift and the next one due to be cast on is also a Christmas gift. I really want to learn how to balance those two sides of my creativity. I'll get there, maybe.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What kind of writer are you?

I've noticed that, as you wade into the grand waters of writing, you set a style for yourself. We all write different and about different topics. There's a reason Barnes and Noble is such a big store. Take into account they couldn't possibly carry every book written and wow. Every one of those authors is different. They have a different style, a different way of representing their ideas.

So, what do I write?  Well, it took me years to realize this, but I write real to life stories with a touch of paranormal. That started in 2009 with my NaNoWriMo win. I have no clue where the paranormal twist came from. I'd never done it before that time, but it keeps popping into my books ever since. Interestingly enough, it only appears in my books. I need lead time to get there. Otherwise, my short stories are all about real to life situations. I find this fascinating.

Why is that fascinating? Well, it's because I pretty much only read fantasy novels. What's interesting is that I can't write them. My husband pointed out that the fantasy authors I prefer all write realistic characters and situations, they just have a way of adding in the fantasy element that makes sense. Sort of like how I add the paranormal into normal situations. So, maybe I do write what I like to read. I never thought of it quite that way before.

I'm also a procrastinator. That's why I don't have anything out there that I can point you towards and say, "I wrote that." The books I've managed to semi-write are all in 3-ring binders on a shelf in the hallway. They're waiting for their rewrites or just to plain flat be finished. I will start to write and then get caught up in something else. Or I will literally scare myself out of writing. I think WAY past the finish point to the publish point and scare myself. I start the, "What if it's popular? What if I'm expected to write more? What if...?" I can tell you now, that's not a productive way to write.

I want to become a writer for real. I mean, write almost every single day because if I don't, my head will explode. I used to be that kind of a writer. Age and responsibilities took over and stole it from me. However, I know it's still there. I just need to go on a hunt and find it again. That will take dedication and lots of coffee. ;-)

Hopefully, in the future, I will be able to say, "I wrote that" and point out a published book.

Needed: Goals and Dreams

Lately, I have been doing a lot of thinking. As I near the 40 year mark (gasp!), I realize it's time to set my goals and work actively towards them. Since I had children over 14 years ago, they have been the center of my life. However, they're all growing up and quickly nearing the time they'll be leaving the house. When you change that first diaper and lose those first few months of sleep, you never realize how fast the time will pass until it already has.  I look at my 6'1" son and my mind is constantly blown away. I remember how tiny and perfect he was when he was born. Now he's a handsome young man getting ready to take his place in the world. I can only hope I did a decent job in raising him and he'll be a benefit to society. Now, to get him through high school. Eep!

With that hope, I have to realize that my time is about to be completely my own. I never finished my college degree. I never reached for the stars on my own dreams. Well, why not now? Why not start reaching for my dreams and make them a reality? 

On college. I did a lot of thinking about this recently. Actually, it's something I think about off and on and have for years. There's a lot of regret in this particular thought. I did all the right things through high school. I earned the grades, filled out the college scholarship papers (with the help of my mother) and earned all the right scholarships. I had a full ride through college. However, by the time I got there, I was burned out. I wanted time off. Time I didn't get. Well, I take that back. I did get it. I took it from my college classes. I wouldn't recommend doing that unless you want your life filled with regret later.  I did try to return later on in life, but said children entered the picture and it was better for me to remain at home. I don't regret that decision. I never have.  But in thinking back on returning to school again, that one I'm not so sure of. I don't remember who's dream it was to have that degree. Was it mine or my parents? Was it just a natural progression from the fact I did well in school? Honestly I don't see how a degree would help me in my life now. I could go for a degree and get a teaching license. However, I have some issues of my own that would probably keep me out of the classroom.

So, let's move on to my next dream. This dream I'm positive is 100% mine and has been since I was probably in grade school. It's definitely been there since at least high school. It's amazing how many years ago that was. What's that dream? Why, it's to write a book and get it published, of course!  For some odd reason, that requires that I write. Something that I'm not all that great at. Oh, don't get me wrong. I've had tons of people tell me I'm a good writer. It's the actual sitting down and writing that's the problem.  I didn't even realize I could write a book until I tried NaNoWriMo in 2009 and got a win. That was when I realized I had a lot of book ideas in my head and I could actually stream that many words together.  So, my book dream became more realistic. 

Enter in my inability to handle much criticism and rejection. I already know I'd never be able to handle trying to get published by a large publisher. Some writers can handle getting those rejection slips. The very thought of them makes me want to shove my head under the covers and cry. How lucky for me that I am looking at my dream more seriously from this end of the technology spectrum. I remember when computers first started entering houses. So the fact I can self-publish through a respectable company and get it out to thousands of potential readers is a dream come true. No more vanity presses to give 'self-publish' a bad name. Now it's becoming almost mainstream as the big companies only print the big name authors they can make money on.

So, there you have it. My dream and goal is to have a book published. Sure it will 'only' be self-published, but what the heck? Amazon has a huge contest every year specifically for self-published books. Maybe mine will have a chance after it's been written. Yeah. Written. I've been wrestling with a grand idea since 2009 and trying to make it work. Starting tonight, I'm going to dust off my paper and pens and get to work. Or, I'll pull out my 'new' laptop and put it to work. Either way! I need to write again. Time to shake out the mental kinks and go for it. The only thing holding me back is myself. ;-)