Friday, December 19, 2014

Sanity Check

Tonight, our family watched "When the Game Stands Tall." It's a great movie if you don't mind Christian themes. We're a Christian family, so we quite enjoyed it. In there, there was a scene regarding wounded warriors. One soldier said, "If they could put me back together, I'd go back today." When one of the football players asked why, because it had done nothing but get him hurt, he replied it wasn't about that. It was all about your buddy standing next to you. He wanted to be back with his buddies helping them fight the battle.

Shortly after that, I realized my husband wasn't going to leave the military until they booted him out. His training makes it so he could easily find work in a civilian field, even in this depressed job market, so it's not just about providing for our family. He loves being part of the military and I have to respect that.

With that realization came the knowledge that I will have to find something to do with myself. I will stand beside him and support him in any way I can, but I have to have something for myself as well. He's gone a lot. That's just the way of life for military families.

I'm going to work harder at kicking my procrastination tendencies to the curb and start writing every single day. I need something to rescue me from the military life. It's a rough one and not to be taken lightly. It's hard on the soldiers and the families they leave behind every time they leave to go perform their duties.

It's tough to realize my life runs parallel with my husband's. As much as I wish they moved together like a normal marriage, they don't. I'm not even sure they can. It's time to work through my recent laziness (or has it been confusion or apathy) and put together a schedule for myself and my boys. Aw, geez. What a life. Dedication and hard work. In the end, it can take you just about anywhere. Hopefully I'll get it worked out soon and all will be well.

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