Saturday, November 22, 2014

Actually Writing This Time

I read my last blog post and had to laugh. I remember that day quite well because that's exactly how it went. Since then, we moved half way across the country and NaNoWriMo started. That's National Novel Writing Month where people attempt to write 50,000 words in a single month. I've tried it several times, but only won once. However, when other people are talking about writing, it always triggers my desire to write again. Always.  Only, this time, I decided NOT to do NaNo, but just write on whatever I felt like without the pressure of the 50K winning mark. I figured any words I got onto paper was a win. Besides, we'd just moved and I had 3 kids to get into school, 2 to be tested, 1 to start getting to an orthodontist which lead to an oral surgeon and.... Yeah. Life is hectic and I just didn't want the stress of NaNo added to it.

Somewhere in the world of NaNo posts on my Facebook page, someone mentioned Wattpad. Look it up. It's awesome! I decided to take the plunge and post a serial myself. It's called The Dark Rider. So far, I only have the prologue up because I realized I had literally edited the first chapter to death back when I started it in 2008. That's why winning NaNo in 2009 was such a big deal. I could NOT get past 2 pages in a new story without killing it with edits. I have since learned that you just WRITE. You edit later. But get the idea out now. The complete idea. Anyway! I have since been struggling with writing the first chapter to get it ready to be posted. Unfortunately, the above life got in the way.

To make things more exciting, we were informed one of our kids basically tested out of their school system. Keep in mind he's only 11 at the moment. I knew he was bored, but wow. So we're now working out what to do with "genius boy." We'll get there. For now, I'm back in my chair and writing. Okay, I'm blogging at the moment, but I'll get back to writing.

You see, when I write a book, I write by hand. That might be insane considering I type upwards of 80+ wpm, but what the heck? All that allows me to do is put more junk down faster. When I write by hand, I have to streamline my thought process and make sure each word is right when I put it down. I end up having to edit way less later. That's always a good thing. :-)

I had written a full page, front and back, when my youngest decided to pitch a fit over his turn on the Xbox, I think. All I know is it broke my train of concentration. I'll get it back though. I'm bound and determined to post that 1st chapter this weekend. I WILL do it!

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